groan - gamer - dad

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  • computer gamer turned dad
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  • Archives 03/01/2004 - 04/01/2004
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    09/01/2009 - 10/01/2009

    Thursday, May 20, 2004

    City of Heroes
    Been a long time between posts...I thought I would put in an update

    Well, I managed to get into the City of Heroes beta. After playing for a couple of days and buying the pre-order box (which gave you 2 and a half days of play before the rest of the world) I signed up and am playing in earnest.

    My father, and two brothers are also playing. It makes for some fun times in an otherwise hectic schedule of baby.

    When do I find time?
    Well. The baby sleeps at the same time as his mother sleeps, usually. I take this time to get on the game and play for an hour or two. They usually sleep around 9 or 9:30 and that is too early for me. I may be completely bagged from the day, but I am a gamer at heart, and this means playing until you fall asleep.

    The game is great. You start off with creating your superhero. This includes everything from dozens of different options for each body part (usually just the clothing you have on hat body part) and colors to choose from. Hair, face, arms, torso, waist, legs, feet, skin color...Amazing detail so that no two heroes are the same.
    After the generation is done, you pick your first set of powers. (I may have the order mixed up...) so id you want to be a hero that uses powers from a range (shooting a blast of flame at a villain far away) or if you prefer more along the Melee fighting (punching and kicking) there is everything for everyone
    Once that is done, you name him and can put in a bit of a history or biography.
    You start of fin one of two locations. I always pick Atlas Park as this is where my friends and family start. Here you contact your first contact and he sends you on missions or to perform tasks. Once you reach your first level of experience (through defeating villains(incidently, you do not kill people in this game and there is no blood, you defeat them)) you are placed into the game-proper. Before you were only in a training area to get used to the game aspects. This is where the game is played in earnest. You continue to do missions, meet new contacts, defeat bad guys. You can also defeat them just by patrolling the streets of the city. There are many of these gangs roaming the streets of Paragon to keep you busy.

    all in all the game is fast paced and is very well designed. The graphics are good with lots of detail and the lack of content (there are no items to look for so you can't camp out at a spawn place to pick up the Uber sword of Badassitude) is not a detriment to the game.

    I am liking this.
    groan at 1:41 PM linkie

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