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  • Archives 03/01/2004 - 04/01/2004
    04/01/2004 - 05/01/2004
    05/01/2004 - 06/01/2004
    09/01/2009 - 10/01/2009

    Friday, April 02, 2004

    Looking Forward

    The future holds too much for me to contain in a single post.
    With regards to my son, well, there is his first tooth, his first haircut, his first knee scrape, is first..his first...his first. Too many. I was really looking forward to his first smile. As you read earlier, I wasn't disappointed.
    I am really looking forward to his first night of sleeping through, all the way!
    I'm looking forward to playing with him in a pool, and walking along the canal with his hand in mine.
    These are all things that will come soon enough (well the hand in hand walking may be a little ways off...). I am patient, most of the time.

    With regards to games? (I couldn't leave this out!) I am looking forward to a time that I can sit down and play for longer than 20 minutes.
    With that in mind;
    Middle Earth Online
    As a Lord of the Rings fan, I can not let this game pass by without me trying it. I will even sign up even if I can only devote a half an hour a week to it.
    This is one of those MMORPG's I was speaking about where you could be in the game with several thousand other players in a world that never shuts down.
    Of course it takes place in Middle Earth and you can play all the races of the land. Elf, Hobbit, Dwarf or Human. Each race can play certain 'professions' like a scout, warrior, rogue etc.
    Battle for Middle Earth
    This is another LotR game based in Middle Earth but is not a MMORPG. This is mainly a single player game where you command legions of people (or orcs) to battle against each other. It does have a multiplayer aspect which I will look at. By the looks of the video on the site, the animation and graphics will be hard to beat! The line of LotR games so far have had less than stellar reviews. I have skipped them all.
    City of Heros
    This game is another MMORPG where you play a super hero living in a post-apocalyptic city overrun with thugs. It is also overrun with heros so there are lots of things to do with your fellow heros. I have read a few reviews of this still-in-beta game, and they have all been favorable. Sounds like lots of action.

    That's it for now. Though I may have put lots of text for the games, I am still looking more forward to my kid's development than anything else!
    groan at 2:37 PM linkie


    Thursday, April 01, 2004

    Comments Allowed
    Well I just added Comments to the site. if you have a thought about my thoughts, feel free to speak your mind!
    groan at 9:18 PM linkie


    What do you have time to play?
    You may be wondering; "What is this guy playing, when he has the time?"

    Well, my likes right now lie in the instant action type of games that don't require hours of online-time to play. When your time is mainly centered on two people, finding play time is rare, so when you do find it, it usually comes in 5-20 minute chunks.

    Games like Unreal Tournament 2004 are a perfect example of this type of game.
    You can load up the game, play either single-player (not online) where the game can actually be paused and no-one gets pissed off at you, or you can play online for short 10-20 minute games. When you play online, you can join a server and if you need to step away from the PC (to change someone of perhaps calm someone) you can press ESC and co into spectator mode. Not doing this and just standing there in the game will lead you to become cannon fodder and possibly a permanent ban from the server.

    It is great fun, even if you have only had 2 hours of sleep as it is mostly brainless (to have fun that is, to be good, you will need some 5ki11ZZ).

    At the moment I am not playing any MMORPG's (massively multiplayer online role playing game) as they require much more of your time and usually at least 1-3 hours in a single sitting. I did do this for years, but that was when I could enjoy something that I called my "late nights' where I would stay up on a Friday or Saturday night until 3 AM.

    Those days are gone for now.
    They'll be back though...or so they tell me.
    groan at 11:36 AM linkie


    It can't be said enough how important it is to get sleep.
    Everyone has gone on an all-nighter and regretted it for a couple of days. Well try going on all-nighters for a few days in a row, then maybe getting a night of 8 hours (not in a row mind you) and then back to the all nighters.
    This can be you!
    This little guy was set on not sleeping most of the night. That means neither do you. Oh sure, in the morning he was an angel and was really alert, looking around and being loved my his mommy and daddy. He even gave us another smile! That night, however was hard on Mommy the most. Pumping, feeding and staying awake because He didnt want to stay asleep. Only the soother would calm him, and then only for a minute or two.

    Again, the warning, but no regret. I would not give up on this guy for a bazillion dollars.

    There is no easy answer to this except the happy thought that "It will get better!"

    Try to be aware of your sleep deprivation. It can cause you to loose common sense and control on situation where you need it most.
    groan at 11:15 AM linkie

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